A suspenseful adventure thriller directed by Academy Award winner Kevin Macdonald, centering on a rogue submarine captain who pulls together a misfit crew to go after a sunken treasure rumored to be lost in the depths of the Black Sea. As greed and desperation take control onboard their claustrophobic vessel, the increasing uncertainty of the mission causes the men to turn on each other to fight for their own survival.
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Tagline:Brave the deep. Find the gold. Trust no one.
Genre: Adventure
Year: 2014
Duration: 115 Min
Revenue:$ 1.171.559,00
Director:Kevin Macdonald, Rory Herbert
Cast:Ben Mendelsohn, Bobby Schofield, Branwell Donaghey, Charles Steel, Daniel Ryan, David Threlfall, Dennis Kelly, Grigoriy Dobrygin, Gus Barry, Jodie Whittaker, Jude Law, Karl Davies, Kevin Macdonald, Konstantin Khabenskiy, Llewella Gideon, Michael Smiley, Paulina Boneva, Scoot McNairy, Sergey Kolesnikov, Sergey Veksler, Tobias Menzies, Yuri Klimov, Zaak Conway